Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Its been a long time

Hi everyone. I haven't blogged in awhile. And to my audience of 3 readers I apologize. There have been alot changes in my life. I am still working for that media research company but right now that whole place is on steady ground. Apparently that whole place was being fund hedge funds involved in the subprime mortgage industry. And well.. you know how that movie ended. The only reason why we are still alive is because of the election. Our boss thinks we have until November before we are shut down. So in the meantime we are cramming in as many billable hours as possible into our work days. The heads of the company are now scrambling for business when the election ends. I can't say who we are working for but I will just say I am an Obama girl.

So I will be blogging on and off but not as much as I want to. I have alot to say but its funny either I am too busy or I do not feel like blogging at all. What is really weird is that I miss the snarkiness. At first I couldn't stand people trashing me. But now I am loning for getting some comment smacking going on.

Anyways, that is my life for now. Later kiddies!