Thursday, December 23, 2004

Hello from California

I am at my sister's house at the Palos Verdes Estates. Views of the beach, not hot but way warmer than Manhattan. The house is filled with the pitter patter of little feet. My nephews are wearing their new spiderman pajamas that have feet on them. They love the toys we brought them. They are bouncing off the walls since their grandmother shoves handfuls of cookies down there throats whenever they ask why they don't have a tree and when Santa is coming. My brother in law is cursing up a storm putting together the race track so it will serve to distract the boys.

Mom and Sis are in the kitchen talking, now and then her daughter/my niece is screaming because she is teething.

Not a bad life. She's busy especially setting up her new practice. She just bought a building in the area and will being in some other doctors into the practice. I am sure Dad will be happy that she is putting her trustfund to good use. He'll be joining us this weekend. I am sure my brother in law will be happy with that too since he will have someone to talk too. He's a nice guy and all, but we have nothing in common except that he's married to my sister.

When she has free moment I am going to talk to her about real estate.

Happy Holidays to you all.


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